Weekly photo challenge

WordPress has now started a weekly photo challenge.  Each week they will give a topic/theme for creative inspiration. Then you take and post a photograph based on your interpretation of that theme. The topics will be announced each Friday for the week. You can read more about the photo challenge here.

This week, the theme is: BOUNDARIES

Here is a picture I took at the San Diego Zoo of this leopard confined to his cage.  His boundaries are imposed upon him.  I wonder how many of us sometimes feel like we are boxed into our own cages, our life on display for all the world to see.  I would probably react similar to this leopard, crouched and ready to pounce.   How/what does this picture make you feel or think?

About Stacey

Life is a journey that I believe we are meant to walk together...so please Walk a Mile with me. View all posts by Stacey

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