Daily Archives: February 11, 2011

Five Question Friday

1. Would you rather be on ABC’s Extreme Home MakeOver or TLC’s What not to Wear?
What Not to Wear!  I love Stacey and Clinton and who wouldn’t want a personalized makeover. Plus, since I don’t have my own house, this would be more practical for me.
2. Do you have any tattoos?
Yes, I currently have 3; one on my shoulder, one on my back and one on my foot- that one hurt the most!
3. Do you tell your kids about things you did growing up?
I don’t have any kids.  Not sure I would tell them what I did 😉
4. If the traffic signal turns yellow, do you stop or speed up?
If I’m near the intersection I speed up…if I’m really far away or if there is a cop nearby, then I stop.
5. What’s your preference: chocolate or chips?
why do I have to choose????  This is hard. I crave sweets sometimes and then salty other times.  More often I would say chocolate- dark chocolate, or chocolate with peanut butter.
Head over to Mama M’s to see what everyone said and feel free to answer for yourself in my comments 🙂

If I had a million dollars….

Today’s post topic is to describe your dream vacation.  There are several places that I would love to go, and so I will give you the condensed dream multi-vacation.

I would start with a trip to South Africa.  I have always wanted to go on a safari. I would love to spend a few days on safari, camping out and exploring, seeing all of the animals in their natural habitat. Then take a helicopter ride over the jungle, to end up in Capetown, South Africa, where I would spend a few days relaxing on the beach and snorkling.  Then, hop on a plane to my next stop, Madrid, Spain, where I would spend a few days enjoying the city and all it has to offer.  Next stop, Paris.  I want to see the Eiffel Tower, check out the Louvre, and explore the city.  Then, head over to Italy for two weeks, going to all the big cities, enjoying all the pastas, sauces, gelato, just food in general! To end my vacation, I would love a Mediterranean cruise for a few days.  This dream vacation captures many elements, such as city life, culture, wilderness, natural habitats, travel by land, air and sea….sounds amazing huh?  Now I just need a great man to enjoy it all with me, because it would not be fun to do all by myself, and about a million dollars so that I can pay for it all and enjoy myself during my travels!

Now, off to buy a few lottery tickets 😉