Monthly Archives: April 2015

Happy Earth Day


Each year, Earth Day — April 22 — marks the anniversary of what many consider the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970.

When is Earth Day?

Earth Day is honored around the world on April 22, although larger events such as festivals and rallies are often organized for the weekends before or after April 22. Many communities also observe Earth Week or Earth Month, organizing a series of environmental activities throughout the month of April.

Why do we need an Earth Day?

Because it works! Earth Day broadens the base of support for environmental programs, rekindles public commitment and builds community activism around the world through a broad range of events and activities. Earth Day is the largest civic event in the world, celebrated simultaneously around the globe by people of all backgrounds, faiths and nationalities. More than a billion people participate in our campaigns every year.

What can I do for Earth Day?

The possibilities for getting involved are endless! Volunteer. Go to a festival. Install solar panels on your roof. Organize an event in your community. Change a habit. Help launch a community garden. Communicate your priorities to your elected representatives. Do something nice for the Earth, have fun, meet new people, and make a difference. But you needn’t wait for April 22! Earth Day is Every Day. To build a better future, we all must commit to protect our environment year-round. -taken from

So how can you participate and help save our planet? Here are some ways suggested by
1. Be car-free. Walk or bike to school — not only is it good for the body, it’s good for the environment too!

2. Make a bird feeder or house. Use a milk carton, a large water or soda bottle, or a pine cone.

3. Create recycling bins.

4. Make positive promises.

5. Grow something.

6. Spread the love.

Walking or biking to work is not an option for me. But I will be carpooling with my son this morning, and with a coworker later to a meeting. My husband wants to create a birdhouse community in our back yard. We have purchased one that we need to work on decorating, and will add more in the future. We have our recycle bin, and today happens to be garbage/recycling day. We also use re-usable coffee cups and water bottles, and food containers for our lunches. I have been talking about planting a vegetable garden, so that idea is in the works.

Do you have any ideas planned? or things you already do to help keep our Earth clean?

Five Question Friday

Today is National Siblings Day, so our questions will be focused on siblings.

1). In what ways are you and your sibling(s) different?

I try to deal with situations/people more head on, whereas she is very passive.  She overreacts and makes things very dramatic.  I will sometimes overreact, but not to the same extent.  We  have different approaches in our parenting styles.  She has two kids, I have one.

2). In what ways are you and your sibling(s) similar?

Growing up we were told often that we could pass for twins, even though there is 2 1/2 years age gap between us.  We would dress similar (she was always stealing my clothes growing up). We both have sensitive souls.

3). What is a secret you have that you hope your sibling(s) doesn’t find out about?

I don’t have any secrets with her.

4). Share a funny/embarrassing story of something your sibling did.

One time when we were young, I think she was in 8th grade maybe, she decided to bake a cake. She put it in a plastic pan inside the oven.  It burnt and caught on fire and filled the oven and kitchen with smoke.  It was not initially funny, but no one was hurt and we were right there the whole time so there was no damage, we then laughed about it later and for several years about how she can’t cook or bake.

5). Share some activities that you  did with your sibling(s).

When we were very young, we liked to go swimming all of the time, go sledding in our back yard, make blanket forts, play Barbies, spend time with our cousins.  Once we went off to college and moved countries apart, we don’t get to spend time together.


“I don’t believe an accident of birth makes people sisters or brothers. It makes them siblings, gives them mutuality of parentage. Sisterhood and brotherhood is a condition people have to work at.” – Maya Angelou


Have a great Friday and weekend.  Don’t forget to play along by answering these questions in the comments or in your own blog post.

Thank you, Thank you

It was fun to find a nomination from Sarah over at ArtTherapyGirl for a blogging award.  Its so nice to have someone think so much of my blog and postings.  I will gladly accept the award and play along.


  • Each nominee must have under 200 followers
  • Thank and link to the nominating blog
  • Answer their 10 questions and propose 10 new ones for your nominees
  • Nominate 10 blogs and tell them that they’ve been nominated
  • Write a post containing the questions
  • Include these rules in the post

1. Super hero power you wish you had? There are 2.  The first is to be able to read people’s minds bc they tend to have a problem honesty.  The second is to fly/teleport. Living in southern CA there is always so much traffic.  It takes me an hour and a half just to drive the 23 miles from work to home.

2. Right handed, Left handed or both?

I am right-handed

3. Do you write letters (cards don’t count)?  Rarely. The only person I write an actual letter to is the child I sponsor through Compassion International in Peru.

4.  Blogging as a hobby or hoping to pursue something serious? It is just a hobby right now

5.  Your most notable act of “paying it forward”?

I have no idea… I do not keep track.   I try to think of others and do nice things when I can.

6.  On your “before I die____” list?

I don’t have one of those lists. I would love to travel more and fly in a helicopter.

7.  Red wine or white? My answer used to always be white.  But since living out here, I have gone to several wineries and have been introduced to some good reds.   So I guess it depends on the mood and the meal it’s going with.

8. Guilty pleasure? Chocolate and reality tv


9.  Have you met anyone in person whom you initially met in the blogosphere?

No, but came close once.

10. Is spring or fall your season of change? I think both have significant meaning and impact.   I’m always striving to better myself and look for ways to change and grow.


Now I nominate anyone reading this!

My loss is Heaven’s gain

Today’s Prompt: Write about a loss: something (or someone) that was part of your life, and isn’t any more.

I am coming up on the 5 year anniversary of one of the biggest losses in my life; the death of my grandfather. I think about him all of the time and when April rolls around, I get more sentimental and teary-eyed. My grandfather was such a strong man, and growing up I thought he was invincible. But cancer has a way of making even the strongest man weak. I am truly thankful for the time that I did have this man in my life. I treasure all of the memories and the namesake that we have of our middle name. I am also thankful that his battle with cancer was extremely short. We got the diagnosis on 4/8 and then 11 days later, his journey here on earth ended, and he began his heavenly journey. I have hope knowing that I will see him again.

Today I would like to share a letter I wrote 5 years ago as I was sitting at the airport in NY on my way to see him in FL. The link to the letter is HERE.

Easter bunny cake

My little guy is allergic to dairy, eggs, nuts and citrus.  It’s been a challenge finding foods for him to eat in general and even more so for holidays.   I want him to feel special and included so I scoured the Internet to find a cake recipe that works with his allergy list so he could have a special treat this Easter.  

First I found a carrot cake boxed cake mix. I double checked all ingredients to ensure it was allergen free.  I put the mix, a 15 oz can of pumpkin, 1/2 cup of shredded carrot and 1/2 cup water into a bowl and mixed until well blended.   Then I poured it into 2 round greased cake pans and baked for 28 minutes at 350•.  The rest of the mix I made into cupcakes.


After they cooled I cut one of circles into ear shapes, using the middle as a bow tie.


(Photo taken from Pinterest because I forgot to take a picture)   

Next, I “glued” the pieces together with dairy free frosting and frosted the whole cake.  To keep it on the healthier side, I decorated the tie and bunny nose with sliced strawberries.


What do you think?  Do you have any Easter recipes to share?