Category Archives: sports

Weekly Photo Challenge : LINES

I was walking around in this new, cute shopping/restaurant area Friday night and when I looked up, there were these really interesting looking lights, made out of these metal strips.  I just loved the look of them and thought the lines of metal would be perfect for this weeks photo challenge.

And this picture I just HAD to post, for many reasons.  First and foremost, I LOVE HOCKEY.  So Friday night, after dinner, my friends and I from work that share season tickets, went to the quarterfinals, game 2 of the Stanley Cup Playoffs (it’s like the playoffs for SuperBowl for you football fans, or for like the World Cup, or whatever)  So this picture fits the LINES theme in 3 ways.  First, you are looking at the Starting LINE-up.  Second, there are the lines on the ice, such as the center line (which the refs are standing on) and the blue lines (which each team’s starting line is standing on).  Third, the lines of the American Flag.

So there ya go…my weekly photo challenge submissions.  You can check out other of weekly photo challenge posts below.

PS… team (the Anaheim Ducks) WON this game. It was a great night!

the Event

Today’s writing prompt comes from  What major sporting event do you get most excited about?

I will admit that I love watching sports, especially hockey and football.  I will go to baseball games, but they are not as fun to watch on TV.  I’ve also been known to watch a basketball game or two…but by far my favorites are hockey and football.  With that being said, I get excited every time I have tickets to go to a game.  Hockey playoff games are really fun and aggressive.  I can get crazy watching the Stanley Cup finals (hockey) and the Super Bowl (football).  And it just so happens, that the Super Bowl is this coming Sunday!  My team is not in it however, but it looks to be a great game. Both teams have a great defense.  I will spending the day watching the game on a projector screen, surrounded by friends and food 🙂

What sports do you like? What sporting event do you get most excited about?

Looking ahead

What am I looking forward to this year?

This is today’s topic for the postAday challenge.  Well, there are a few things that I know are going to happen and then there are things that I would like to happen.  This Saturday, I am actually going to a 2011 goal-setting tea with some women from my church. I am looking forward to that, so that I can set up some great goals for the year, and have the support of some friends, where we will check in on each other every couple of months to see how we are doing on achieving those goals.  I’m still working on my list but here are a few that I have come up with so far:

*to attend the Financial Peace University class offered at my church, taught originally by Dave Ramsey, to help me learn how to better control and save my money and get out of debt.

*to blog at least 2-3 times per week, as a way to work on my writing skills, express my thoughts, share some photos or recipes, and meet people.  Also to learn and grow from other blogs from my Blog Buddies. Make sure to check out their blogs. You can find them listed on the right side of my page.

*to go on a vacation- I can’t remember the last time I went on a REAL vacation.  I have traveled, but it has been either on a missions trips, or to go to a funeral or for some other purpose.  I just want to have some time to relax and get away and experience a new place.

*to take some kind of class or workshop, such as a photography class, to learn a new skill.

*purchase a car – my current lease is up in 3 months.

*to start up a ministry/outreach at my church – I’m currently looking at one for homeless in my community with a friend of mine.

*to go to an NFL game next season – I am planning on going to the NY Giants at SF 49ers game; just waiting until spring when the schedule for next season comes out.  I love sports, especially hockey and football.  I go to plenty of NHL and MLB games, and have been to an NBA game, but have not yet been to an NFL.

Being a single gal, I would like to find “that guy” this year.  I’ve done the single thing for awhile now, and am really wanting to settle down and get married and start a family.  I would also like to live in my own apartment, but with the budget crisis and cuts with our hours at work, I’m pretty sure that is not possible this year, unless I get a promotion/raise or a new job.

What are you looking forward to this year?