Category Archives: Five Question Friday

Five Question Friday

Today is National Siblings Day, so our questions will be focused on siblings.

1). In what ways are you and your sibling(s) different?

I try to deal with situations/people more head on, whereas she is very passive.  She overreacts and makes things very dramatic.  I will sometimes overreact, but not to the same extent.  We  have different approaches in our parenting styles.  She has two kids, I have one.

2). In what ways are you and your sibling(s) similar?

Growing up we were told often that we could pass for twins, even though there is 2 1/2 years age gap between us.  We would dress similar (she was always stealing my clothes growing up). We both have sensitive souls.

3). What is a secret you have that you hope your sibling(s) doesn’t find out about?

I don’t have any secrets with her.

4). Share a funny/embarrassing story of something your sibling did.

One time when we were young, I think she was in 8th grade maybe, she decided to bake a cake. She put it in a plastic pan inside the oven.  It burnt and caught on fire and filled the oven and kitchen with smoke.  It was not initially funny, but no one was hurt and we were right there the whole time so there was no damage, we then laughed about it later and for several years about how she can’t cook or bake.

5). Share some activities that you  did with your sibling(s).

When we were very young, we liked to go swimming all of the time, go sledding in our back yard, make blanket forts, play Barbies, spend time with our cousins.  Once we went off to college and moved countries apart, we don’t get to spend time together.


“I don’t believe an accident of birth makes people sisters or brothers. It makes them siblings, gives them mutuality of parentage. Sisterhood and brotherhood is a condition people have to work at.” – Maya Angelou


Have a great Friday and weekend.  Don’t forget to play along by answering these questions in the comments or in your own blog post.

5 question Friday – Spring edition

Happy first day of Spring!  Today’s 5QF will be Spring related. Please feel free to answer the questions for yourself either in the comments below, or in your own blog post, and link back here.

1).  What do you most look forward to for Spring?  I enjoy having the sun stick around longer.  It’s nice getting out of work late and it is still day light.  That means more outdoor time with my little guy.

2). Spring Cleaning:  Love it, hate it, any specific routine or thing you do related to it? HATE it.  I’m not a fan of cleaning and will do it when it needs to be done.  I have no routine or organization about it.  I try to focus on one room at a time.  I did make a mental inventory though of what my baby needs, usually the next size up of clothing, and try to pack away clothes he has outgrown.

3). What are 3 things you need to get rid of if you are Spring cleaning?  stained, ripped and/or “don’t fit” clothes, broken items, expired can goods.

4). Spring Break:  Share a memorable Spring Break experience/vacation/memory.  I was recently telling someone that while I was a sophomore in high school, I had my 4 wisdom teeth removed over spring break.  While everyone else was enjoying their vacation and probably at the beach, I was laying on the couch, in pain and miserable, wondering if I would ever be able to eat again lol.

5). Spring is considered a time of new beginnings.  What is something new that you have started/are starting?  Reviving this blog 😉  Also I’m always on the lookout (on Pinterest) for new recipes to try and new activities to do with my son.  And I’m working on reconnecting with old friends.

Have a look at a photo post I did from a few years ago related to Spring. It has a gallery of pictures of beautiful Spring flowers, and a link to a poem I wrote as well.

Happy Friday and Happy Spring!

Five Question Friday

I want to bring back Five Question Friday. This might be hard because the blogger that started it, has stopped doing it since 2013. But I’m working on scouring the internet for questions and hope to continue it regularly here. Basically how it works is answering 5 simple questions, either below in the comments, or in your own blog post. Simple. Its a fun way to post on a Friday, and get to know each other more. I’ve answered these questions before, but since its been awhile, I figured why not do it again for my new followers 🙂

1. What is one thing you have too many of in your house?
SHOES! even ones that don’t fit anymore (I swear your feet grow when you are pregnant).

2. Did anything go not quite as planned on your wedding day?
YES! Well we got married in the Bahamas. The weather had been amazing the days leading up to the wedding. Then the night before was a complete downpour and it was still raining up until about 1 1/2 hours before the ceremony started, which was outside on the beach. I had to be careful to avoid a few puddles, but otherwise the weather held off and it was beautiful outside. I did have a total hair disaster as soon as the stylist left. But they were able to track him down and he fixed it, outside, right before I went down the aisle. Then just after the ceremony and before pictures, we did a champagne toast and were given chocolate covered strawberries, one of which rolled right off my plate and down the front of my dress, and since it was hot and humid, the chocolate had melted. Luckily most of it landed on the bottom of my dress so it wasn’t too noticeable in the pictures. Then we changed our clothes and got a quick bite to eat, where a whole plate of spaghetti ended up all down the front of that dress LOL. We then went on a dinner cruise which was very romantic, and got to see several celebrities homes on a different island. But our taxi company never came back to pick us up. We sat outside for an hour waiting for a new ride, and ended up covered in mosquito bites. It was definitely a memorable day and we had a lot of laughs about it.

3. What is your favorite summer smoothie recipe?
I used to love kale, cucumber, mango and strawberry, with coconut water. But i really don’t drink smoothies any more.

4. What is the weather like where you are?
today is supposed to be 88. so hot and sunny.

5. What is your favorite books to read to your kids?
Any book! my baby loves looking at books and babbling words and pointing at this pictures. So any sturdy board book he can’t destroy, that is full of vibrant pictures is my favorite. He has a couple of favorites he looks for every time we read, most of which have pop-ups or touch and feel pages. It’s so fun watching him try to read.

Five Question Friday 7/19

Happy Friday everyone.  This week has been pretty crazy for me, lots of emotional stress from work.  But TGIF right!  Here’s todays questions for Five Question Friday.  Feel free to answer in the comments.

1. What is one thing you have too many of in your house?  My husband will say I have too many clothes or shoes.  I don’t agree or disagree with him 😉

2. Did anything go not quite as planned on your wedding day?  Well we got married in the Bahamas.  The weather had been amazing the days leading up to the wedding.  Then the night before was a complete downpour and it was still raining up until about 1 1/2 hours before the ceremony started, which was outside on the beach.  I had to be careful to avoid a few puddles, but otherwise the weather held off and it was beautiful outside.  I did have a total hair disaster as soon as the stylist left. But they were able to track him down and he fixed it, outside, right before I went down the aisle.

3. What is your favorite summer smoothie recipe?  anything with strawberries or mango in it.

4. What is the weather like where you are?  HOT ….as in triple digits… not fun when you’re pregnant.

5. What is your favorite book to read to your kids?  Don’t know yet.  We have received 2 Dr. Seuss books and are asking for people to bring books to the baby shower, so we will have to see.  I can’t wait to read to our son.

Five Question Friday

Yay, Five Question Friday is back.  Our hostess was on vacation and just plain ol’ busy the last couple of Fridays so there hadn’t been any questions.  But she’s back, and here is today’s installment.  As always, please feel free to answer the questions in the comments.
1. Would you rather pay for house cleaner or spa day?  Right now I would say Spa Day!! Being preggo, it would be nice to be pampered all day and just relax and enjoy myself before the little one makes his debut.  Plus I have an amazing husband who helps me a LOT with cleaning the apartment.

2. Who plans what gifts you get for holidays, you or your spouse?  We both do. I think it depends on who the gift is for.  If it’s someone on his side of the family, he knows them better.  But we try to do it together. 

3. How many hours of sleep do you get? Do you need more?  I try to get 7-8 but it is interrupted by at least 2-3 trips to the bathroom every night.  I would love to have one night of uninterrupted sleep.  Guess it’s just preparation for my little one.

4. Do you like your hair long or short?  
My hair looks best long.  It is so thick that if it was short it would look like a helmet or mushroom head.  I did have it really really short once, but had to get it cut every 2 weeks!  thank god my friend was a hair dresser and wouldn’t charge me.    It looked so horrible growing out and seemed to take forever.  

5. When was the last time you were pulled over and what was it for?  I honestly can’t remember.  I think it was back in 1999 or 2000 when my car was having issues (smoke kept coming out of the back end) so the cop stopped me to see what was wrong.  I did get a ticket in 2007 but was already stopped.  That was for stopping in the bus lane at the airport to pick up my young teenage client and was “right there” and we had no idea where else to go.


Have a great Friday!!

Five Question Friday

Its Friday!!!  That means another installment of Five Question Friday.  As always, feel free to answer the questions for yourself in the comments below.


1. What do you appreciate most about your children’s Dad?  He is so patient, caring, kind, funny, and tries to do all he can to help me out around the house (which is a lot these days).

2. Do you always wear your seat belt?  YES!!  I spent 5+ years working in a traumatic brain injury rehabilitation facility and have seen what happens to those who don’t.  I even wear it if I’m in the back seat.  Everyone please buckle up…ALWAYS.

3. Do you dream and do you remember them? not really.  I have had a few dreams where I remember a very small piece of it, but not the whole thing.  And they are always very random.

4. What is one thing you swore you’d never let your kids do before having them, that you have now changed your ways about?  Baby is not born yet, so I’ll have to get back to you on that next year.

5. If you could be granted one wish, what would it be?       just one???? well I guess it would be for my husband to have a better paying job with better hours, so that we could afford for me to stay home and raise our baby, in a house that we could buy (i guess that’s 2 wishes rolled into 1).