Daily Archives: March 25, 2011


I have been sick (again) for about a week.  I finally got around to going to the doctor’s yesterday.  I was told it was just a viral infection and given an inhaler and prescription cough medicine and sent on my way, with instructions to sleep and drink plenty of fluids.  So I am going into hibernation for the weekend.  I have slept most of today and intend to do so for the weekend.  I will still be checking out blogs and working on some ideas. I have a new recipe scheduled to post tomorrow, so make sure to check back 🙂

My first Blog award!

This week, I have been honored by being nominated by not one, but 3 different blogging buddies for the Versatile Blogger Award!  I had been feeling a bit down, as I have noticed that my Site Stats numbers have been dwindling lately and was getting discouraged about lack of readers and comments.  I had to tell myself that other people have lives and get busy, and to remember to appreciate all of you that do read and comment and “like” my posts.  So to then get 3 nominations, it really blew me away.  I truly appreciate everyone that subscribes and/or reads my blog, and I would like to thank my nominators, Elizabeth (eof737.wordpress.com), Lian (liannouwen.nl), and Jeanne (nolagirlatheart.wordpress.com).

✿♡✿The Versatile Blogger Rules:
1. Thank the person who awarded you and link back to them in your post.
2. Tell 7 Random facts about yourself.
3. Pass the award on to 15 new found bloggers.
4. Contact each blogger you want to pass the award on to and let them know you’ve done so, and let the giver of your award know you accept it... or not. :-)

I did write a post a little bit back on 25 things you didn’t know about me. Here are the first 7:

1.) I love to collect things related to elephants and giraffes, especially after having visited Africa.

2.) I love decorating for all holidays (though most of the time, my budget does not allow for this, nor does my current living situation)

3.) I have a huge fear of spiders and snakes.

4.) growing up in a small town in upstate NY, I’m not phased if I open the garage door at a relatives house and find a dead deer hanging, gutting, drying out….still a bit gross.

5.)  I can shoot a bow and arrow, but I prefer guns

6.) I am slightly addicted to reality shows…sometimes they make me appreciate my own life, as mine is not as crazy and drama-filled.

7.)  I love to cook and taught myself how to do it.

To read the entire 25 things, please click here.

And now I would like the nominate the following blogs with the Versatile Blogger Award:

Country Living



Crowing Crone


MK Murcurio


Big Happy Nothing

Nuggets and Pearls

Classy Rose

Piglet in Portugal

Passionate about pets



Mirth and Motivation



Again thank you to everyone for reading and commenting on my blog and giving me encouragement and inspiration to keep posting!