Daily Archives: June 17, 2011

Five Question Friday

TGIF!!  What a long week! I’m ready for the weekend, as soon as I can get through my work day today.  Here’s the latest installment of Five Question Friday.  As always, feel free to answer the questions for yourself in the comments or in your own blog post.

1. What is your favorite summer time activity?  I don’t necessarily have a favorite.  I do love going to the beach, but hardly make it there.  I also love to walk around at Farmer’s Markets, like to BBQ, and go on photography adventures.  I try to go to a few baseball games and stick around for the fireworks afterwards.

2. Do you have one laundry soap you stick to, or do you buy whatever’s on sale?  I prefer Tide, but there are times where I will get whatever is on sale.

3. What is your favorite dinner to make in the summer?  I love to BBQ some chicken and then cut it up and put in on top of a salad loaded with lots of veggies.  Also I like to grill salmon, chicken kabobs, and corn on the cob.

4. Do you have any talents?  I think that I consider myself as someone who can easily pick up a new musical instrument.  I am currently learning how to play the Native American Flute.  Also, I am very creative, so I would say my photography is one of my talents.

5. If you could instantly be an expert in something, what would it be? Why?    computers/technology!  I am still learning how to do different things with the blog, and I am so un-tech savvy.  I always have to ask one of my roommates how to do anything that involves technology/electronics.  I want to be able to understand it and do it on my own, and I hear that people who have careers in this field earn a nice little paycheck, which would be great 😉