Tag Archives: Elephant

Elephant Surrender

Today is Sepia Scenes Wednesday, where you submit a photo with sepia tones.  Because I love elephants, I had to post this one (even though I have previously posted live elephants).  I took this one last weekend in Hollywood.  Outside of the Kodak Theater, there are these huge elephants on top of these enormous pillars.  When I looked at this picture, I felt like the elephant was raising his arms saying, “I surrender!”.  I have had a crazy week at work and it has only been 2 days.  I felt that this elephant could be representing me, telling God, and everyone else, “I surrender!”.



E is for Elephants.

I love elephants. There is just something so majestic about them.  I actually collect elephant things.  Here are some sepia photos of elephants I took while at the San Diego Wild Animal Park.


You can see other sepia photos I have submitted as part of the Wednesday Sepia Scenes meme below:






This post is part of a month-long series, A-Z, that I am participating in for the month of April.  You can learn more about it by clicking on the link over on the right sidebar.