Daily Archives: March 18, 2015

Expanding my blogging horizons

Today’s #blogging101 task: pick a blogging event from the Community Event Listings, and participate in the next round.

Why do this?

  • Events introduce you to a ready-made community, where it’s easier to find new fans and new favorite reads.
  • Events and challenges are a great way to get inspired and motivated — others establish and host the event, so all you have to do is participate! No heavy lifting required.

I love the idea behind today’s task.  In 2011, I had previously participated in the daily post challenge, but the pressure to post every single day regarding their prompt, as well as the pressures and strain of everyday life, derailed me on that one. I did complete a blogging A-Z challenge that year, from start to finish! Each day you posted on whatever you wanted related to the letter of the day, starting with A and working your way through the alphabet. You can read my posts by looking through my Mile Markers category on the right and clicking the A-Z Challenge link. Two other short term events I did were the Five Question Friday, and Sepia Scenes, neither of which are around anymore. I liked 5QF because she would post 5 different questions each Friday for you to answer, and usually some were pretty funny. I am trying to bring that back using her old prompts and did a post last week that you can read here. Sepia Scenes was a weekly photograph post, using sepia toned pictures. You can check some of those out in the Mile Markers link for Sepia Scenes as well.

I am interested in seeing what else is out there, meeting new blog buddies, and challenging myself to keep on writing and posting.  There were a lot of events that interested me, but I want to ease myself in.  I’m thinking of doing the Tuesday Tidbits, which is a short post about something that happened during the week, or the Three Things Thursday, listing 3 things that made me smile/laugh during the week.  I think these two are similar to ones I have participated in the past and can be easily adapted to my life and my blog. I have remained subscribed to the daily prompts to have another source of inspiration for my posts, and will occasionally be posting pictures in the weekly photo challenge.   I’m looking forward to the growth from this challenge and expanding my blog’s horizon.