Daily Archives: April 5, 2011

(D)estination unknown

Describe the best road trip you’ve ever taken.





One summer, my good friend Susan was home from college.  We were hanging out at her house and were talking and just randomly decided we should go on a road trip together the next day for a few days.  Her family was leaving in 5 days to go to South Carolina, so we had to make sure we came back in time for her to go on vacation with her family.  We started talking about places we could go and what to do.  Since it was summer, we wanted to go to a beach location.  Her mom was home, so we started telling her our ideas and she suggested we go to Atlantic City in New Jersey.  Sounded good to us, and it was only about 4 hours away.  We made a quick list of what we needed to bring, and then I left to go home and pack, since we were getting up really early in the morning to leave.

I picked Susan up the next morning around 4:30am and we headed out, with a suitcases, some snacks and a map.  Neither of us had been there before.  We got to watch the sun rise as we headed East, and had lots of time to talk and catch up on life.  When we got to NJ, we found a bed and breakfast that her mother had recommended.  We unpacked the car and then headed to the beach.  I remember it being warm, with a great breeze.  We laid out but didn’t put on any sunscreen, thinking it wasn’t so hot out and we were only going to be there for a short while.  While we were laying out, relaxing, a seagull flew overhead and pooped on my head.  So I had to get up and go into the freezing water to wash it out….gross!!  We then headed back to the room to shower and change, and when we got back we were burnt to a crisp.  Susan is pastey white to begin with, but we both resembled lobsters.  By evening we were starting to get a little blistered and did not want to move.  After it was dark, we made a run to a local store to load up on burn creme and Aloe.  We slathered it on each other every couple of hours.  We were so burnt we spent the next couple of days holed up in our room, sleeping, lathering ourselves in the lotion, and we even got sick, all from the burn.  The drive back home was uncomfortable because of our burn pain.  But we survived and can look back and laugh, but still cringe a bit on the inside, recalling the pain.  It was a memory that I will never forget, and certainly one of my more interesting random road trips.

What’s the most memorable road trip you have ever taken?



This post is part of a month-long series, A-Z, that I am participating in for the month of April.  You can learn more about it by clicking on the link over on the right sidebar.